Friday, October 2, 2009


HELLO WORLD. YESTERDAY I TOOK MY MEEGOOK COWORKERS TO KOREA BBQ. one of my greatest passions in life is eating marinated beef cooked over burning coals. one weird thing about my meegook chingoos is that they love this soup called TANGJANGJIGAE. On multiple occasions i brought korean food for work, and they bitched me out cuz my meals were stinking up the office. Now i am very insecure about eating korean food at work. THANKS NEMER!'s funny that they like the soup, cuz that happens to be derived from FERMENTED SOY BEANS, and for growing up in a korean house, that stuff is so stanky that my mom kept it in a box, in the garage. husband complained about my last post and said my blogs need to be focused more on men's fashion, and not my personal life. So I have decided to interview this dude that sits next to me named YOUNG BIG SICILIAN MIKE. He happens to sell HUF and Gourmet which is sold at Outnumber. Mike is the scariest man i have ever met in my life. When he gets pissed, he gets very Incredible Hulk-ish, and no one wants to piss him off. Once the girls and I saw mike skating down 8th Avenue and he was holding onto back of a NYC cab. He is gangsta like that. He is also supposed to be a pretty good snowboarder, and is fanatical about sneakers. He sells SNEAKER FREAKER magazines underneath his desk. Another cool thing about Mike is that he always offers to share his ganja. he is very generous about that kind of stuff. WHAT A TEDDY BEAR/INCREDIBLE HULK!


Well, Sicilians are Italians; so the question was kind of loaded. But I think I know what you are getting at. I bug out from time to time, I admit it. I think you are implying to my driving. Sometimes I get a bit of road rage. I think there is a high correlation of me having some angst behind the wheel when I travel with all ya'll girls from the showroom. I think any man is allergic to that much estrogen at one time...

I also bug out about internet connectivity. What a pain in the ass...

Overall, I think most Italian dudes are just passionate and wear it on the sleeve. So, obviously that shows in extreme good moods and extreme bad moods. Damn, first question and you are already making me look bad. Ha.

2.) Who's your favorite person in this showroom AND WHY?

My favorite person in the showroom in Marcelo, he is the night-time elevator guy. He loves small talk and nothing more. He only speaks a handful of English words and most of them are flattering compliments such as: "Good weather today!! Yes!" or "Long day, huh? Marcelo is the mang. Don't get it twisted...

Other than Marcelo, I really like the UPS driver. He is interesting. Cartoon charcter tupe of dude.

This was a loaded question; I am not falling for it. Nice try, Jules

3.) What makes HUF apparel different from all the other skate brands out there ie Altamont, Element, Matix?

Huf represents the Dirtbags of the world from East to West and North to South. To be quite honest, I can't even compare it to most of the other brands in the core skate market because it represents so much more than that. What separates Huf from the rest of the pack is its sheer honesty and straight-forward approach. It is what it is. I think the fact that Keith has be
en the consistent pro over the years and has not had any major drama helps. People want Huf to succeed. People are pulling for Huf. This brand isn't the underdog by any means, but I think most people are excited about what is happening. It also helps that the Huf team is probably one of the strongest rosters in the biz.... Busenitz, Justin Brock, Alex Olson, Julien Stranger. I mean, whoa! Shall I go on... Brophy, Omar Salazar, Zered. Can it get any iller???

Don't underestimate; cuz this shit is coming hard in 2010.

4.) Which GOURMET sneaker is your favorite and why are you hyped on selling this collection?

Quadici aka the Duck Boot. Hands down. It is basically an amalgamation of two of the illest footwear silhouettes in history. Everyone that sees this shoe picks it up. And 90% of them catch a chubby just holding it. This shoe is comfortable, practical and looks better on than you would ever imagine. In a world of overdone hybrid, frankenstein creations like the Jordan x AF1's; this truly sits alone. Who said mash-up is dead?? Go cop a pair of these and listen to some Z-Trip.

Gourmet Quadidi - Get familiar!!


Jersey heads get a bad rep?? Are you serious. I wish I would have known that. I have been under the impression all these years that I was benefitting from being a brash, loud-mouthed, blunt, annoying hooligan from the Any Double U. Don't get it twisted; Jersey is the Garden State and most people only know the 5 square mile radius around Newark airport. But once you get out of that little consolidated oil refinery, toxic waste type area; you are
surrounded by the Pine Barrens, some of the finest beaches in the world and a fun little ski hill...

So, in my eyes NJ heads are a cut above the crowd because we have so much at our fingertips. I grew up equidistant from NYC, Philly and Atlantic City. I was really exposed to a lot growing up that I wouldn't have been if I had grew up anywhere else in the world. Young Big has mad love for the dirt, but I now rest my head in money-making Manhattan. I like being a ten minute skate from work.

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