Friday, October 9, 2009


My homegirl Rose who read my blog said i need more photos in my blog to make the post interesting. SO THIS GLOB IS ALL ABOUT PHOTOS. THANK YOU ROSE CHO!

I had a bangin' soup for lunch today from Hale & Hearty. Although spending $5 on a tiny cup of soup is beyond my budget....................this soup tasted like Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs. It was awesome x 100. I love all things microwavable. is Friday but for some reason i am not super happy. Usually i do the friday dance in front of the megooks, but today i feel like.......

Get it?! hehe....i am so cute.

On my final and most important note.......OUTNUMBERS NEWZ....we have new SHOEZ....
They are 1 of 1, and limited edition sneakers.......quite expensive....and meant for the guys who need to add to their collection. I understand why certain guys spend so much money on their shoes.....cuz women do the same thing. newaYzzz...check it:


Anonymous said...

nice shoes!

Rose said...

I actually should get eddy some new shoes.. probs for xmas. I will let sang pick them out cuz he has better taste then you =P hehe love you